Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Chaos Vs. Order Essay Example For Students

Disarray Vs. Request Essay Disarray Vs. OrderThe short story by James Thurber, The Catbird Seat, depicts a man, Mr. Erwin Martin, who is exact and legitimate in all that he does including his activity and how he responds when his request is upset by an uproarious, nosy lady, Mrs. Ulgine Barrows, who has a lot of influence with the organization president, Mr. Fitweiler.Mr. Martins request is upset by this bedlam in the organization and he can not have it so hedecides he should murder Mrs. Hand trucks to get things back the way they were.The topic of the story is the fight for great position or to sit in the catbird seat and in the event that one remains quiet and maintains themselves in control they can inevitably prevail upon the turmoil in their life. In the story Mr. Martin is the character who embodies request. He was composed and kept an exacting schedule.He showed up grinding away consistently at eight thirty and strolled home at five thirty, he had supper at Schrafts consistently at eight, at that point went for a stroll and as a rule was sleeping around eleven.He was portrayed as flawless, calm, mindful and colleagues depicted him as trustworthy and the most productive worker.His work at F S was as leader of the recording department.His very employment manages keeping things organized.He additionally was said to have drank nothing more grounded than soda and never smoked in his life.This likewise speaks to perfection.He sees Mrs. Pushcarts not as an individual yet as a slip-up made by his chief, Mr. Fitweiler.He concludes he should wipe out the misstep by slaughtering Mrs. Barrows.He is so precise in his manners that he goes through seven days thinking of an arrangement and goes over it each night.Another thing he does each night is he goes over his case against!Mrs. Barrows.He goes about as the lawyer, judge, and jury putting forth his defense against Mrs. Barrows.This likewise shows of an extremely sorted out mind.He questions and supports himself, raps a hammer in his brain, charges Mrs. Hand trucks with headstrong, outright, and tenacious endeavors to annihilate the effectiveness and arrangement of F S and suggests capital punishment (318).He, obviously, is likewise the executioner.He concocts a composed arrangement wherein he considers pretty much every possibility.He purchases cigarettes to smoke at her condo which will be his distraction since nobody would speculate him on the off chance that he left one there on the grounds that everybody knows he doesnt smoke.He was an exceptionally smart man who even got one of his colleagues to accept he loved Mrs. Barrows.Mr. Martin speaks to arrange in the story and is excessively great. Similarly as Mr. Martin speaks to arrange in the story, Mrs. Hand trucks speaks to chaos.She was uproarious and obnoxious.She was depicted utilizing creature words, for example, whinnied, quacked, and like a carnival horse.Also, she never strolled into a room, she skiped, frolicked, or catapulted.She didnt need to strive to get her situation as the consultant to Mr. Fitweiler, she just landed the position in the wake of sparing him from getting injured by a huge man at a party.She was the reason for some firings at F S and furthermore made some quit.She was known for expressing absurd things the entirety of the time, for example, destroying the pea fix and sitting in the catbird seat.She never came into work ten and was known to boast about where she lived.She was arranging a rearrangement of Mr. Martins office and that was the place the mayhem needed to end for Mr. Martin. The title, The Catbird Seat, essentially implies sitting pretty.Specifically, who is sitting pretty.When the story starts its Mrs. Tunnels who is living it up or better, in an ideal position.She can prescribe any adjustment in the organization to Mr. Fitweiler and it will in all probability be done.She didnt win her position and in Mr. Martins assessment doesnt recognize what shes doing so he needsto dispose of her.He gets his arrangement under way and when he understands he cannot proceed with it, he in a split second accompanies a far and away superior arrangement and tells Mrs. Hand trucks he is going to murder Mr. Fitweiler and he takes drugs realizing that she will go nuts and tell everybody except they know Mr. Martin superior to that and wont trust her.Before he leaves her condo Mr. Martin advises her, Im sitting in the catbird seat, and afterward cleverly sticks his tongue out at her. It is the funniness in the manner the story was composed that makes it not appear to be awfu l to the point that this man had wanted to commi!t murder.Mr. Martin at that point spares himself and the organization the following day when he denies what he had done at her loft to his chief and she is accepted to have a mental meltdown so she is expelled from her position.Mr. Martin by maintaining control at that point, is sitting in the catbird seat.To finish, the story shows a battle between Mr. Martin and Mrs. Hand trucks or request and chaos.It is stating that one who sets aside effort to thoroughly consider things like Mr. Martin and settles on choices dependent on all the accessible realities they will beat the competition on the off chance that they resist the urge to panic when confronted with misfortune or bedlam.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Non posso vivere senza di te Essays - , Term Papers

Non posso vivere senza di te E non e una banale frase che chiunque potrebbe critical , questa e una frase che parte dritta dal suo cuore , tutto comincio li , una calda mattina d' domain , lei si ritrovo in un caldo letto , spoglio delle coperte, il tiepido sole faceva attenzione a non rivelarsi troppo tra I buchetti della persiana. Le ronzicchiava in mente una strana melodia , e dopo un po' si mise a cantarla a gran voce tara-ri-ra rira-ru-ru riroriro riariia ando avanti cosi tutta la mattina , quando la sgargiante bellezza di un ragazzo sulla spiaggia attiro leggermente la sua attenzione , mama sorvolo e si fece un bel bagno rinfrescante e continuo la sua vita normalmente, non sapeva che quello sarebbe stato il ragazzo della sua vita per un attimo le passo un pensiero per la testa, mama certo! Quella sera ci sarebbe stato il BALLO della spiaggia, e doveva vedersi con Chatline , la sua migliore amica , per scegliere il vestito e gli accessori adatti. Un brivido di disappunto le persuase il corpo ancora incredu lo. Fece quindi una lunga corsa per tutta la baita per arrivare da Chatline. Per fortuna la previdente amica aveva gia preparato dei vestiti, molti vestiti, lei avrebbe dovuto scegliere nel mucchio. Scelta difficile penso e espresse questo pensiero con un vano verso, un hammmhmm.ce ne erano tanti davvero di vestiti, gialli con le balze, verdi con fiocchettini , rosa di seta semplice ed , infine azzurro di raso abbinato promotion una collana con l' incisione della parola love scritta con un raffinato corsivo sottile. Le mineral passarono lentamente, quella time una difficile scelta. Dunque alle 7 in punto time pronta di fianco all' uscio sella porta , agghigliata con bracciali e quant' altro con il magnifico vestito azzurro di raso e con delle scarpette che erano un love. La 18enne si avviava convinta alla festa , con la speranza di trovare un ragazzo con cui ballare. La sua bellezza quando entro in sala time impagabile , dolce soave ed illuminava tutti I visi dei presenti con una vi va luce argentata. Dolcemente accarezzava anche il viso di un ragazzo che si distingueva benissimo in una folla, time il ragazzo che quella stessa mattina aveva attirato l' attenzione della nostra protagonista, un brunetto d' orato con degli occhi verdi fantastici e una bocca perfetta che stava sciogliendo come burro su di una support la candela immaginaria che si trovava dentro di lei. Lui dunque si avvicino prontamente alla protagonista che period tutta emozionata per questo fatto, sudava , si sentiva le gambe tremare e il cuore volare , la sua mente time impegnata in mille pensieri diversi che si ricongiunsero in uno solo quando il ragazzo le sfioro il braccio per parlarle Ciao, mi chiamo Leonardo, mama tu puoi chiamarmi Leo quelle parole furono sol l' inizio di una conversazione che duro semi tutta la notte e ogni tanto si trasformava in un valzer , un tango , un lento e cosi by means of per la nostra protagonista fu una fantastica notte, che ella si ricordo per sempre. Non smet teva pero di pensare al fatto che dopo due settimane lui se ne sarebbe andato. Doveva sfruttare a tutti I costi il beat che aveva per gaze con lui. Il giorno dopo si diedero appuntamento al parco. Sara stato il profumo di rose oppure I mille colori dei fiori che fecero subito innamorare I due giovani. Al crepuscolo I due erano gia mano per mano che passeggiavano sul lungomare. Questo si che si puo chiamare love a prima vista. Lei le defini le due settimane piu beauty della sua vita. I giorni pero erano passati troppo velocemente , come due lampi, due schegge nel beat della vita. Quando lui se ne ando , lei rimase sola, nel piu grande deserto , quello del suo cuore. Quella time stata la piu grande avventura che aveva vissuto nel suo cuore, alla ricerca dei suoi veri sentimenti. Intanto abitava in una estate di Miami con Chatline e il suo nuovo fidanzato da gia 5 mesi. Niente riusciva a distrarla dalla profonda ferita che aveva nel cuore , quella mancanza non se la poteva dimenticare

Friday, August 21, 2020

Ask Yourself a Question COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog

Ask Yourself a Question COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog With the application deadline now just over one month away I know most applicants probably dont want to think about yet more work that needs to be done, however I would ask you to ask yourself the following question: How much time have I spent researching various ways to help pay for school? I try to provide as much advice as possible on the blog about how to help pay for school.   I see the issue from two sides.   First, its obviously a huge part of my job so I look at it from the perspective of an administrator trying help as much as I can.   Second, having gone to graduate school myself, I know it is expensive and I have been through the process myself. I thought now is as good a time as any to   provide some links back to some of the entries I have written on the topic.   Perhaps this will encourage you to make sure doing financial aid research is on your to do list.   The earlier you start, the better off you are. Keeping informed via this blog can pay off.   I know of at least one SIPA student last year that earned a $23,000 scholarship that was posted on this blog.   Stayed tuned, I keep my eyes open and post opportunities as I find out about them.   Follow the links below for previous entries on the topic. The Rule of Two covers general principles related to fellowship searches. If you have been in the U.S. Military you might want to look into the Yellow Ribbon Program. An entry on SIPA Fellowships provides insight into institutional funding from SIPA. I wrote an empathetic/sympathetic entry on Paying for School, integrating some of my own experience. There is help for those from Latin America here. Korean applicants might find this entry helpful. The World Bank offers some funding opportunities. And you can find a list of fellowships that we have accumulated by using our database.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Changes Within The Criminal Justice System - 821 Words

The Criminal Justice System has undergone numerous, yet significant, changes within the last century. In fact, current research reflects the progressive movement from one of rehabilitation to that of punishment and retribution. Such transition reflects issues pertaining to the management and supervision and treatment of offenders. This study will, therefore, consider and evaluate dilemmas within the Criminal Justice System, as well as, issues that have transpired while trying to reduce crime through punishment. Furthermore, the Criminal Justice System will be discussed through a law perspective regarding supervision and management in order to understand the current challenges and issues involving crime. Within the past decades, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of heinous crimes committed, causing some of the laws to significantly change. During the 1970s, some dramatic changes occurred when laws shifted from one extreme to another: rehabilitation to retribution. Such circumstances created an additional emphasis on the offense rather than on the offender. During the 1980s, the â€Å"get-tough-on-crime† era began; thus, radical changes in laws continued up until the late 1990s. Throughout the period of the Industrial Society, the United States had two bipolar types of punishment: harsh and lenient. Today, the main focus of the Criminal Justice System is about retribution and punishment. In order to understand the current dilemmas of management and supervision,Show MoreRelatedCrime System And Criminal Justice System Essay1399 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction: The criminal justice system has evolved on the decades. From initially being constituted by the victim to eventually becoming constituted by written laws. There have been several changes made within the justice system, so in the following I will discuss my perspectives of the researched information and the noted changes of a system that was created by the people for the people. Topic I – Victim Justice System vs. Criminal Justice System A. Responsibilities of the victim’s past/presentRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System Has Served As A Focal Point Of Much Of Societal Racism993 Words   |  4 Pageswhite† (Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)). These studies propose that while criminal behavior cuts across race and class lines, the common response to these behaviors may significantly influence the course of a potential criminal career. Decisions concerning the most effective balance of responses by law enforcement, social services, and community intervention are critical in determining many of these outcomes. Bias within the criminal justice Historically, the criminal justice system has served asRead MoreOrganizational Behavior1387 Words   |  6 Pagesbehavior is the study of how employee’s behavior interacts within an agency’s work environment. It includes many subjects which include sociology, communication, psychology, and management. 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Recent trends affecting the criminal justice system are relatedRead MoreCriminal Justice Trends Essay1572 Words   |  7 PagesThe criminal justice system is a group of institutions that work together to protect a society, prevent and control crime, and maintain justice; enforcing the laws regulated by society. As the years have gone by and society has evolved; so have the criminal justice system and its methods to accomplish its role in society. This short analysis will evaluate the main facts that have been affecting the criminal justice system for decades and have influenced the evolution the justice system is enduringRead MoreHowe - Week 2.docx992 Words   |  4 Pagesday-to-day operations within criminal justice settings. This team paper will be sure to identify professional standards and values that apply across various components of the criminal justice system on a national level. In addition this paper will mention some of the new technology that benefits and helps the cr iminal justice settings. Analyze Organizational Behavior Concepts Associated with Common Managerial Practices Involved in Day-To-Day Operations within Criminal Justice Settings be sure to sendRead MoreOrganizational Effectivness1211 Words   |  5 Pagesmanaging employees and even time and data management. Within the criminal justice organization it is much more important than just making sure the criminal justice agency is merely operating properly. Achieving and maintaining efficient productivity, performance values, and efficiency are crucial in order for any organization to be successful (Mihalicz, 2012). Applying the theories of organizational effectiveness to the management aspect of criminal justice organizations and personnel will help supervisors

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Changes in Equality between Men and Women - 608 Words

Back in the early 1960’s, there was a very different outlook on the equality between men and women. Even though all black women were looked down upon, white women ranked further down than men as well. Women of all colors were viewed as only being able to get married and have kids, expected to become maids, and not have an actual successful and paying job. These women practically meant nothing to society. To begin with, women were viewed strictly as only being able to get married and have kids. After these children are born, they are taken care of by the black maids while the mothers stay home and do nothing all day. It is seen as the â€Å"†¦only thing worth living for† (38), which is portrayed through Celia Foote’s character who has to suffer through several miscarriages until she realizes her husband doesn’t care if she can have children or not, and he loves her for her. Eugenia â€Å"Skeeter† Phelan is constantly being yelled at and harassed by her mother and friends to get married because she has already graduated from a university. Her mother, Constantine, even goes as far to assume that her own daughter is a lesbian because of how long it has taken her to find a man. Skeeter’s friend, Elizabeth Hilly tries to match her up with a wealthy man named Stuart Whitworth, the Senators son. During their blind date, Stuart gets drunk and insults Sk eeter and refuses to see him again. This shows how clearly defined the rules of what a â€Å"normal† woman in the city of Jackson should be like.Show MoreRelatedPatriarchy And The Liberation Of Women1679 Words   |  7 Pagescommitment to equality between the sexes and a commitment to gender as a focus of concern and to analytic approaches that reflect women’s concrete experiences. Feminists such as Katherine Bartlett define it as ‘a family of different perspectives or frameworks used to analyse the actual, and the desirable relationship between law and gender.’ However, it is not just equality of the sexes being sought by feminists but more specifically, rejection of patriarchy and the liberation of women. Under theRead MoreWomen s Rights And The Feminism Movement Essay1675 Words   |  7 PagesIn a society where women were treated second to men there was clear outrage by women. In the early twentieth century men played the public role in society they worked, they made up the government, and they also got to own property and vote. Whereas women had the private role in society at this time, they were supposed to stay at home and clean, cook, and take care of the children. The women of this time were sick of being treated a step lower than men, which started the creation of women’s rightsRead MoreEquality Between African Americans And Women Essay1424 Words   |  6 PagesEquality as defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is the quality or state of being equal : the quality or state of having the same rights, social status, etc. This nation was founded on three main principles, which were liberty, freedom, and equality. Though our country has struggled on many occasions to maintain each of these principles, the hardest one to maintain seems to be that of equality. Every human being has a desire to be seen as equal, its basic human nature. We seek equality in everyRead MoreThe Role Of Women During World War I1545 Words à ‚  |  7 Pagesthe role of women in society. During World War I, women entered the work force due to the shortage of men. Ever since this phenomenon, there has been a significant change in the number of women in the work force. However, this does not discount the fact that women are still subject to gender discrimination, lower salaries, and lack of respect in the professional industry. Improvements to the equality system have been made, but the problem is far from being fixed. Though the number of women joining theRead MoreResearch Proposal : Gender Equality899 Words   |  4 PagesResearch Proposal: Gender Equality in America For my research project, I would like to show the evolution of gender equality that has occurred in American society in the workplace. The disparity of status and privileges between men and women has existed since the end of the World War II. Although America has made progress concerning the acceptance of social issues such as same sex relationship and marriage, people are still unwilling to acknowledge that gender inequality is still rampant among ourRead MoreFeminism : Third Wave Feminism962 Words   |  4 Pagesthe 20th century when women fought for their rights for equality not just in the workplace but also their right to vote. The movement for gender equality was originally viewed as a great effort by women for women. Today feminism is a subtitle of equality. Giving us the new definition of feminism called third-wave feminism or gender equality. Modern feminism means equality for men and women whereas, a century ago, feminism meant that women should have the same rights as men. People are all givenRead MoreGender Equality in Sk1313 Words   |  6 PagesGender Equality in South Korea Women and men share many physical characteristics and mental abilities, but why are men more valued than women even today in many cultures around the world? It has only been a few decades since women started gaining gender equality and power in selected parts of the world. South Korea, which is a very small country with a population of 49.78 million used to be one of the most gender-conservative country, preferring men over women for centuries. Despite this longRead MoreMarx vs Gilman837 Words   |  4 Pageswork such as his was to change the world; an opinion obviously shared by Gilman since she was also on a mission to change the world, for women. Gilman is known for her humanist-socialist perspective but, I believe that her theories also share a similar quality to Marx’s conflict theory. Whereas Marx sees the conflict, or class struggle, being between the bourgeoisie (the owners) and the proletariat (the workers); Gilman sees the conflict, gender struggle, between men and women. Marx advocated socialRead MoreWomen Have Fought For Their Rights For Generations942 Words   |  4 PagesWomen have fought for their rights for generations. Women rights are something you as a women are entitled to do. The right to freedom of speech, the right to vote, work, get an education etc. The Seneca Falls Declaration is very distinct to The National Organization for Women movement they show some similarities in what women were allowed to do and how they reacted to these laws or restrictions. All men and women are created equally having the right for Life, Liberty and the pursuit of HappinessRead MorePatriarchy And Gendered Inequality?1421 Words   |  6 Pagesit evolved and changed over the centuries. Moreover, there is a need to understand that feminism is not a fight between women and men, it has much bigger impact and involves fight for equality in general. Feminism may seem like something very homogeneous, compact and tedious in its monothematic nature. When we hear the word feminism, many of us imagine a group of young, frustrated women picketing parliament and calling for the right to abortion (in countries where it is prohibited) or protesting

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Details of Suggestions of a Good Persuasive Topics for an Essay

Details of Suggestions of a Good Persuasive Topics for an Essay You also ought to understand or know that a college essay differs from a top-education producing assignment which you're currently conscious of and contains several choices. There are several persuasive essay topics to select from to finish your high school or college assignment. Once you are able to accomplish this, you're promised an excellent grade. To have a personalized paper written on any greater persuasive essay topics for college students, click the order now button to file your request. When it has to do with writing essays on father, perhaps it doesn't seem too tough a job, as there can be so many things to speak about daddy. It's important to understand that essay topics are just basic ideas that leave you pondering a notion that might be a huge deal to another person. All of it starts off with the option of the appropriate subject issue. Therefore if at all one writes an essay on her or his father, it has to be something which makes it meaningful for the gorgeous relationship between the father and the kid. Most Noticeable Suggestions of a Good Persuasive Topics for an Essay If you still don't understand how to prepare an intriguing speech, EssayShark can assist you. Naturally, giving a fantastic persuasive speech requires more than simply selecting an excellent topic. To deliver a fantastic persuasive speech, you should select a topic. While it can be hard to pick from such a selection of persuasive speech topics, consider which of the above you've got the most knowledge of and can argue your opinion on. The sample stipulates the notion of listing of impressive steps, which makes it simpler to extensive the specific activity. Be certain the images are clear and appear professional. Learn which of the topics, you currently have a fairly good background on which will make it possible for you to have a relative edge. Many people wind up covering the very same tired top ics they see in the media daily, just because they can't produce a better idea. The Benefits of Suggestions of a Good Persuasive Topics for an Essay If you are bewildered about how to compose a persuasive essay, this guide will allow you to comprehend everything that you must get started. If you're still fighting to learn to compose a very good persuasive essay, you're lucky to have run into the perfect guide. What's more, you also learn to balance an essay. Be certain you define the objectives of your essay clearly ever since your essay is dependent upon your approach. Additional you can get persuasive with your essay. Informative essays are somewhat more descriptive. Don't forget that if you pick a fantastic title for your work, it gets really easy that you proceed with it and present a great paper generally speaking. Thus, you can receive a very very good grade with no writing a brand-new paper. Another good idea is to receive some completely free essay examples of different kinds and on various subjects to find a general idea of the way in which a prosperous debatable paper looks. At precisely the same time, it's a wonderful persuasive essay idea. Unlike the standard techniques of course creation, the agile method provides some important advantages that will make sure your results are outstanding yet also efficient. Highly Interactive Agile instructional design is heavily cen tered on the learners and how they are going to interact with the class material. With the recommendations on developing an institution request essay, you've got to attempt to keep in mind a single! When you must compose an essay for Finance, Management, Marketing or on any other small business topic, you have to stick to a specific algorithm and common business writing guidelines to accomplish the intended result. Persuasive writing is part of our life. Usually, however, a poetry may be recognized by its type. See if you were able to improve your essays clarity and enhance your style. For instance, poets bring their workout from character along with different experiences. You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job portfolio in case they're highly graded. Then you can undoubtedly begin writing. An outline is quite a superior instrument for organizing the thoughts and arguments so they could be displayed in a logical sequence in your organiza tion essay. Make your order for a one-of-a-kind and strong persuasive essay at a better score. How to Choose Suggestions of a Good Persuasive Topics for an Essay Washboard abs tired of a person adventure, you will be able to choose every as a consequence of, you'll get a variety of selections. The essay on the topic of the sporting events stress exhibits only that you just don't understand how lucky you actually are. These points illustrate how to compose a persuasive essay step-by-step. Hence, if you are going to adhere to the preceding suggestions then you might have the ability to compose your argumentative persuasive essay in virtually no time. Suggestions of a Good Persuasive Topics for an Essay - the Conspiracy You have to know all parts of financial topics when you choose them. On the opposing side, acquiring a list of good persuasive essay topics is insufficient. Obviously, it's the topics you may have a tiny laugh about! A student ought to keep in contact with the hottest trends and know which persuasive essay topics are related to sound convincing in regards to defending personal opinions. The Nuiances of Suggestions of a Good Persuasive Topics for an Essay Clearly, you do best college essays not want to write a whole lot of words without that means, so be certain to write about only one topic at one time. Don't neglect to bring a strong hook at the beginning (introduction paragraph) and wind up with an impressive conclusion to create the reader want to talk about the interesting persuasive essay topics of your selection. Hence, you have to first understand the significance of prejudice if you wish to compose excellent essays on prejudice for the essay exams. There are two kinds of business essays. Jiqsaw Vague ideas alongside others are suggestions of recent night-life which can be found on the internet. It's improbable to imagine a contented persons becoming impatient and hostile in regards to others. The person who has the superi or vocabulary has the understanding of utilizing the correct words. The Start of Suggestions of a Good Persuasive Topics for an Essay The major distinction is that the argumentative essay should demonstrate a discussion instead of a single opinion. The primary goal of topic choice for a proposal essay is to show the idea can be put into place in practice. Figure out the precise wording and determine the approach you're going to utilize in your essay. Evidently, persuasive essays need substantial research, complete consciousness of the reader's biases together with a deep comprehension of each side of the matter.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Lasting loving memory Essay Example For Students

Lasting loving memory Essay Both â€Å"on a portrait of a deaf man† and â€Å"Brendon Gallacher†, are about a narrator who grieves the loss of the person they love. In â€Å"on a portrait of a deaf man†, the narrator mourns the loss of his father conveying his bitterness towards god for the mistreatment of his father. In Brendon Gallacher, the narrator loses her best friend who she feels possessive towards. Both poets use language to help the reader visualise their characters feelings and personality. In on a portrait of a deaf man, images of decay as well as words associated with death is used to help the audience visualise the physical reality of his father’s death. â€Å"His mouth is wide to let the London clay come in† conveys his anger towards the mistreatment his father had received by God as well as shocking the audience to highlight this reality. Phrases such as â€Å"maggots in his eyes† can be seen as shocking and vivid and this further emphasis the image the narrator sees in connection with how his father who â€Å"smiled and looked so wise† has now turned out. In Brendon Gallacher, childish language and description is used to help the audience visualise the narrator’s childhood. â€Å"He had six brothers and I had one† can be conveyed as quite childish and this might have been used to emphasise that the narrator is talking about her past when she was younger. In on a portrait if a deaf man, the first seven stanzas are written in first person and are about his father in whom he contrasts between both pleasant and horrible images and memories. †he smiled and looked so wise that now I do not like to think of maggots in his eyes† links together the two themes of this poem which contrasts against each other- life and death and this structure of the poem may convey that he is so affected by death that every pleasant though has be tainted with the outcome of his father. In the last stanza, this pattern changes† you, god who treat him thus and thus†. The stanza became a direct speech towards god in which he accuses as well as questions his faith and this effectively helps us to understand the narrator’s viewpoint and well as his thoughts on father- the structure may symbolise that he so far is not over his father’s death. The poem is also written as an elegy- a mournful funeral poem about the dead and has a repetitive rhyming scheme which runs throughout the poem making the narrators thoughts seem more ordered. The rhyming being so regular may convey to the audience that he is trying to keep his emotions under control. Similarly in Brendon Gallacher, the events are described in order but this technique is used to create and share the fantasy the narrator has in believing he is real also. The poem also has a regular rhyme scheme which coupled with the usage of his name in a song like refrain makes the poem seem more child-like. At the start, â€Å"he would hold (her) hand and take (her) by the river† and these description of orderly event makes us feel the way the narrator saw and feel the way she felt until the end in which â€Å"he died then†. Both poets have created characters who grieve the loss of the ones they love. In on a portrait of a deaf man, the narrator conveys his love through the reminiscence of his father in which describing how his father liked the â€Å"rain-washed Cornish air† and the â€Å"landscape† shows his love and affection for his father. â€Å"And when he could not hear me speak he smiled and looked so wise† shows the admiration the narrator had for his father. John Betjeman might have purposely portrayed the father through his character to further emphasis the contrast between loves and grieve portrayed in this poem- love for his father but bitterness and angry towards god. .ufb818e1e8bdf48d1d89e5604e6091e31 , .ufb818e1e8bdf48d1d89e5604e6091e31 .postImageUrl , .ufb818e1e8bdf48d1d89e5604e6091e31 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ufb818e1e8bdf48d1d89e5604e6091e31 , .ufb818e1e8bdf48d1d89e5604e6091e31:hover , .ufb818e1e8bdf48d1d89e5604e6091e31:visited , .ufb818e1e8bdf48d1d89e5604e6091e31:active { border:0!important; } .ufb818e1e8bdf48d1d89e5604e6091e31 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ufb818e1e8bdf48d1d89e5604e6091e31 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ufb818e1e8bdf48d1d89e5604e6091e31:active , .ufb818e1e8bdf48d1d89e5604e6091e31:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ufb818e1e8bdf48d1d89e5604e6091e31 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ufb818e1e8bdf48d1d89e5604e6091e31 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ufb818e1e8bdf48d1d89e5604e6091e31 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ufb818e1e8bdf48d1d89e5604e6091e31 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ufb818e1e8bdf48d1d89e5604e6091e31:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ufb818e1e8bdf48d1d89e5604e6091e31 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ufb818e1e8bdf48d1d89e5604e6091e31 .ufb818e1e8bdf48d1d89e5604e6091e31-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ufb818e1e8bdf48d1d89e5604e6091e31:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Economics of Veterans Stadium EssaySimilarly, in Brendon Gallacher, love is conveyed through the relationship between the narrator and her imaginary friend. â€Å"He would hold (her) hand† and confide in her and Jackie uses their relationship to emphasis the love and affection they as the narrator feels Brendon confides in her. Also the usage of â€Å"he† and â€Å"I† further emphasises the connection both characters have. Betjeman purposely makes his character describe his father as â€Å"the kind old face, egg-shaped head† painting a portrait of a lasting loving memory. This makes the poem seem more like a tribute towards the narrator’s father conveying grief as he tries to come to terms with his father’s death through the writing of the poem. As the poem progresses, it becomes evident that the narrators grief and sadness is also mixed with horror and anger. â€Å"He would have liked to say goodbye shake hands with many friends†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. His finger bones stick through his finger-ends† at the start of his thought, it is a positive memory of his father but later it changes into grotesque imagery of his father’s decaying body. The poet may have mixed both grief and horror to convey the contrasting fight of his emotions between the happy and pleasant thoughts of his father and anger and bitterness towards his faith and primarily God. In Brendon Gallacher, the last stanza portrays that due to being told there were no Gallacher living at 24 Novar, she felt grief due to her best friend dying on her floor. In admitting there was no Brendon Gallacher, â€Å"his spiky hair, his impish grin, his funny, flapping ear†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ died then† Jackie Kay uses the direct, unequivocal dialogue to convey the shock that later turned to sadness. In the characters losing someone they love, their grief further mixes with other negative complex emotions such as possessiveness and bitterness. In on a portrait of a deaf man, the narrator’s grief which is evident in the first seven stanzas turns to bitterness and the structure of the paragraph changes in which he directly addresses god, accusing him for treating his father â€Å"thus and thus†. Betjeman effectively ends the poem with â€Å"you ask me to believe you, and I only see decay† which portrays how the narrator sees. This could refer to the decay of his father’s body as well as his own faith and due to his struggle to hear god and have faith, he battles with his bitterness. Similar, in Brendon Gallacher, the last line conveys that her grief is mixed with her possessiveness in which she repeats that â€Å"oh Brendon, oh my Brendon Gallacher†. This implies that due to her possessiveness, she still has not fully accepted he was imaginary as he was hers. Jackie Kay may have purposely ending on her possessiveness to show that he was real but only to her. Both poets explored the emotions of their characters through language and form. The characters describe their loved ones and examine why they loved them. For characters, love and happy memories and contrasted with grieve and pain. This makes them seem even more affected by their deaths because of their evidence reminiscence and wanting their loved ones to come back, however, it could be argued that the narrator in on a portrait of a deaf man accepts the death of his father but wants him to come back whereas the narrator of Brendon Gallacher still has not accepted that her best friend was not real but had died.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Who benefits from take over resistance tactics free essay sample

According to the finance literature, a takeover is a process whereby a firm acquires another firm, resulting in a change of the controlling interest of the acquired firm. Takeovers can occur through acquisitions, proxy contests and going-private transactions. They can be friendly when the management of the target firm is receptive to the bidder offer or they can be hostile when target firm managers resist takeover attempts by using defensive tactics. According to Ross et al (2010), takeovers can result in change of firm policies, layoffs, terminations, or overhaul of business operations. To analyze who benefits from a takeover resistance tactic, we should first examine the reasons or motivations of the defensive tactic by target firm managers. According to Ruback (1987), managers resist takeovers for the following reasons: Managers believe that firm has hidden values, this is due to the private information they have about the firms future prospects that is not available to the public and when managers assess the takeover bid by comparing the offer price with what they believe is the fair value of the firm (incorporating the private information) and the offer price turns out to be less, managers will oppose the offer. We will write a custom essay sample on Who benefits from take over resistance tactics? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Managers believe the resistance will increase offer price, therefore, their attempt to resist slows the bid and create opportunity to an increase of the tender offer as the bidder after an initial unsuccessful friend offer, tries to buy through a tender offer and if not successful, try the auction for the firm. According to Ruback (1983) cited in Ruback (1987), the final offer price exceeded the initial offer price by 23% in 48 competitive tender offers between 1962-81. Managers may want to preserve their jobs and positions, especially when they are ware that the bidder intends to replace the target firm’s management. Target firm managers use a variety of defensive tactics to avoid takeovers, from altering the terms of directors where managers amend charters of the firm to make takeovers more difficult; golden parachutes related to severance packages payable to managers in the event of takeover, increasing the cost of acquisition; poison pills provision that are deterrent to the acquirer diluting for example the acquirers share in the firm. Other tactics after the company in in play include greenmail and standstill agreement, white knight and white squire, recapitalization and repurchases where managers issue debt to repurchase shares raising the market share price, making it less attractive to the bidder; exclusionary self-tenders and asset restructuring. These tactics are built by management for self-protection reasons, being severe, (blocking takeovers) or soft tactics with no substantial impact on the offer price. However, empirical evidence shows that although manager’s defensive tactics may sometime rarely shareholders by increasing wealth, in general, these tactics do not have a positive impact in the share price of the target firm. According to DeAnglelo and Rice (1983) cited in Ruback (1987. p56-57), they found no evidence of share price reaction to adoption of corporate charters amendment when analyzing 53 firms using staggered boards as well as the effect of super majority provision. Ho (1986) cited in Ruback (1987), found no evidence of existence of abnormal return for a sample of 23 poison pills. This conclusion is also consistent with findings of Kidder, Peabody and Company for a sample of 167 poison pills where no stock price change was observed. Evidence by Dann and DeAngelo (1983) proves that there is a negative stock price reaction with the use of standstill agreements by -4% whereas, greenmails, cause a negative stock reaction of -3%. Dann and DeAngelo (1986) cited in Ruback (1987), analyzed 20 transactions where they found that acquisitions and divestitures, reduce by 2% the share price of the target firm. In general, empirical evidence supports the idea that manager’s defensive tactics are harmful to the target firm value. For example, Bates et al (2012) reported that Microsoft Corporation offered USD 47 billion to Yahoo in 2008, a premium above 60% however; this offer was rejected by Yahoo executives. Following Microsoft? s withdrawal of the acquisition bid, Yahoo? s shares dropped by 15%; the CEO of Yahoo was later replaced for this costly and selfish behavior. According to Bradley et al (1988) cited in Devos (2009), companies merge to benefit from synergies. For a sample of 236 successful tender offers from 1963-1884, they noted that the equity value for the combined firms increased by 7,4% in average. Synergy is when the combined firm value exceeds the value of the acquirer and acquired firm before the acquisition. Therefore, synergy is attached to the incremental cash flows, coming from revenue enhancement, cost reduction, tax gains and reduced capital requirements. According to Brealey (2003), acquisitions can happen in three basic forms, merger or consolidation, acquisition of stock and acquisition of assets. The merger is the incorporation of assets and liabilities of one firm by another and the acquirer maintains its name whereas the acquired firm ceases to exist. The main advantage of this method over others rely on the minimum costs incurred on mergers as they do not require the transfer of title deed of individual assets of the acquired firm to the acquiring firm which is costly provided that the merger is approved. In addition, in the transfer of assets form according to Ross et al (2010), minority shareholders often cause problems to the majority shareholders. The acquisition of stock as we saw above, can be costly to the bidder because of the defensive tactics used by the target firm managers as an attempt to avoid the takeover. Therefore, the outcome aimed by the acquiring firm may not be achieved as the tender price may be pushed us, above the real market value of the acquired firm.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Movie review on movie Blue streak essays

Movie review on movie Blue streak essays Master jewel theif Miles Logan (Martain Laurence) has a problem! A $20 million problem! Recently realeased from prison after a 2-year bust, hes anxious to retrieve the huge diamond that he hid in a construction site 2 years ago. Unfortunately his hiding place is now the home of the 37th L.A. Police Precinct! But when Miles poses as a Dectective to work his way into the building, his new Boss is so impressed with his profile (theyre fake of course!) that he gives him a rookie partner and sends him out to the streets to serve and protect. Now as Miles continues his disguise as a detective until he can find a way to get the diamond, hell discover that his life of crime has given all the skills he needs to be a damn good Cop! This Smash comedy hit will keep you laughting till the end. The introductory scence to this movie has a lot of action and introduces all of the characters straigth away. It introduces the suppose-to-be good guy (Miles Logan) and the bad guys Martin Laurence plays the role of the Cop really well in this movie and as well as the cast. One of best friends in crime, Charlie (Dave Chappelle) is a really funny character and the best scence in which he plays is when Miles and him meet up, when Charlie is in the middle of robbing a corner shop. Their reactions with each other is hilarious and in the end, Miles had to arrest Charlie. Which made Charlie really angry. The action and stunts in this movie were excellent and will keep the audience watching until the end. In the end the police does find out that Miles is a theif but they let him of. This is a really good movie and I would recommend it to all ages. ...

Friday, February 21, 2020

FlyDubai Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

FlyDubai - Essay Example Fly Dubai aims at attracting more clients through the price reduction strategy while at the same time providing an improved quality service (Croft 2014, p. 62). In addition, another generic strategy employed by the firm is the expansion of the Airline to various destination sites. Increase in destination sites implies increase of customers seeking their services. Fly Dubai have dedicated themselves in opening new flying destinations to various countries hence increasing on their income. Competitors who are slow in opening new destination places eventually become less sort after (Croft 2014, p.90). Fly Dubai has the grand strategy of becoming the best company in Dubai by offering services that are beyond the expectation of its customers (Croft 2014, p.78). Fly Dubai aims at achieving this through partnering up with companies and businesses that are in line with its grand strategy. The company aims at partnering up with major stakeholders that will help it accomplish the following in the near future: These include the creation of new taxiways plus runways in order to ease on congestion in and out of airports (Croft 2014, p.67). In addition, they opt to buy new aircrafts fitted with the latest technology, expand cargo facilities, purchase new ground equipment’s, train their staff, set up a new fire station to be responsible for emergencies, conduct regular maintenance checks on all place to ensure they are in good condition before flying to a given destination, and expand their catering services. Furthermore, they aim at relocating the general aviation to Dubai world Cent ral. All these belong to their grand strategy of becoming the leading aviation industry in the world and in Dubai in particular (Croft 2014, p.45). The grand strategy employed by Fly Dubai is expected to make it efficient and help it improve the number of clients using their services (Croft 2014, p. 34). In keeping up with technology and making the various

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Smoking or secondhand smoking Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Smoking or secondhand smoking - Research Paper Example This article briefly discusses the merits and demerits of this hypothesis and in the end suggests a method of controlling the rising level of smoking in the United States of America. It shall also briefly touch the history of smoking, the reason why it escalated and why it fell. These previous trends are kept as a focal point in the end when a recommendation for action is presented in the conclusion. Smoking and Its Increasing Prevalence Introduction All over the globe including the U.S.A, there is a rising concern by the medical agencies and public health insitutions in regards to the vice of Smoking. They are calling for Hollywood movies that contain scenes where people are smoking; to be rated as adult or explicit. The concept and reasoning behind this outcry is that enforcing such a rating might end up reducing the number of youth who are exposed to such scenes, within the course of watching a movie, that according to them, is one of the most direct causes for young teens to take up smoking and even that, at an early stage of their lives (Cnossen, 2008). With the help of a scientific consensus conducted by a huge spectrum of professional health organizations that includes the World Health Organization, National Cancer Institute and the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention displayed that the films and movies which contain scenes in which the actors are smoking acts as a catalyst in inciting the young people to smoke and is the consistent finding of a dose response relationship, and like in any concern in regards to the public health which is related to a dose response. The single best alternative in order to deal with such a problem is lowering the dose, that recalls the topic of discussion. There needs to be the ratings of adult content for any movies which have use of tobacco and live smoking on screen in it (Eysenck, 2006). Simon Chapman and Matthew C. Farrelly published an essay in the PLoS Medicine. They made four arguments in opposi tion to the change of rating of movies that have smoking scenes to adult. The first and foremost point they suggest is that those researches or studies that show the link between acceptance of smoking by teenagers at an early age and their exposure to movies or film scenes that have smoking in them are not in any way controlled, which means that they are free from any sort of manipulation of numerous other factors for instance alcohol, violence, recreation drug portrayal, coarse language and of course sexual content and also smoking. The next point they presented states, that any claims in regards to the exposure to smoking in the movies resulting in an increasing in smoking prevalence in youth is crudely reductionist, while at the same time blatantly ignoring the huge exposure to such scenarios of smoking littered elsewhere throughout the society. Thirdly they further state that in regards to the classification of movies to adult rating, it is a futile gesture since the children ca n access more of such material by using the more popular medium, the internet. Lastly they say there is a merit of concern over the assumption that in case any cause is felt rational enough, the state itself needs to implement the control censor on any and all the cultural artifacts for instance movies, arts, books and theatre that are present within its’ jurisdiction (Chapman & Farrelly, 2011). Discussion The beliefs which Matthew & Simon’

Monday, January 27, 2020

Water Soluble Vitamins for Poultry

Water Soluble Vitamins for Poultry The vitamins are a very important class of the nutrients. They play various important roles in the life cycle of any living-being. The absence or deficiency of the vitamins in poultry causes serious problems. The water soluble vitamins are very important sub-class of vitamins. In the poultry which can not synthesize these vitamins in their body these should be provided in the diets means these are dietary essential. The inclusion of the water soluble vitamins accurately, according to the needs of birds, production stage, physiological state of the birds and environmental conditions is very necessary to avoid the problems and to gain maximum performance because these vitamins are required by the birds in many systems including energy metabolism, growth, proper blood flow, development of skeleton, compensation of the stress, egg production, fertility, anti-oxidants for semen and proper development and viability of the growing embryos. It means these are not only important for current b irds but also their provision in an accurate way will ensure the next generation of the birds. Key words: roles, water soluble vitamins, poultry. Introduction The term vitamin was first used in 1912. Vitamins are a group of complex organic compounds which are present in minute amounts in natural feedstuffs. These are required for normal metabolism and the deficiency of these compounds in the feed causes deficiency diseases. The vitamins are divided into two groups depending upon their solubility i.e. Fat soluble vitamins which include Vitamin A, D, E and K. Water soluble vitamins which are Vitamin B-complex and vitamin C. The names, synonyms and the two classes i.e. fat and water soluble can be summarized as: Vitamin names Synonyms Fat soluble Vitamin A1 Retinol, retinal, retinoic acid Vitamin A2 Dehydroretinol Vitamin D2 Ergocalciferol Vitamin D3 Cholecalciferol Vitamin E Tocopherol, tocotrienols Vitamin K1 Phylloquinone Vitamin K2 Menaquinone Vitamin K3 Menadione Water soluble Thiamin Vitamin B1 Riboflavin Vitamin B2 Niacin Vitamin PP, Vitamin B3 Vitamin B6 Pyridoxol, pyridoxal, pyridoxamine Pantothenic acid Vitamin B5 Biotin Vitamin H, vitamin B8 Folic acid Folacin, folate, Vitamin M, Vitamin Bc, Vitamin B9 Vitamin B12 Cobalamin Choline Gossypine Vitamin C Ascorbic acid (Adopted from McDowell, 2004) Poultry and other monogastric animals are dependent on dietary sources of vitamins to a much greater degree than are ruminants. It is considered that animals with fully functional rumen can not suffer from a deficiency of vitamin B-complex. Vitamin B12 is unique in that it occurs in plant tissues as a result of microbial synthesis (McDowell, 2004). Thiamin (B1) is required to control appetite and reduces death rate, Riboflavin (B2) is responsible to control curly-toe paralysis, proper growth and proper egg production, Pantothenic acid(B5) is necessary for controlling dermatitis and improper lesions on the mouth and feet, Niacin (B3) is involved in proper confirmation of legs, tongue and mouth cavity, Choline ensures proper growth and proper egg production, Vitamin B12 is required to control anemia and to control early embryonic death, Folic acid (B9) is required for proper growth, controlling of anemia, proper feathering and proper egg production, Biotin (B8) is required to control d ermatitis o feet, around eyes and beak and Ascorbic acid(vitamin C) is required to normal growth and development, growth and repair of tissues, formation of collagen, cartilage, bones, avoid stresses and wound healing (Unknown, 2002). Vitamin C (vit C) is a water soluble antioxidant found in cytosol and extracellular fluids and it can directly scavenge super oxide hydroxyl radicals and single oxygen species (Clarkson and Thompson, 2000). It is thought to exert its effects on the immune system through the enhancement of neutrophil production and through protection of the cell against super oxide radical damage (Bendich et al., 1986). Under normal conditions birds can synthesize sufficient amounts of vit C (Roy and Guha, 1958), however in the stress conditions birds may require an external source of vit C (Meade S.M. 2004) to provide non-specific resistance against infections and overcome stress and therefore improving productivity (Pardue and Thaxton, 1985). The phagocyte activity is enhanced in the presence of vit C. There is a higher quantity of the superoxides found in the phagocytes when sufficient amounts of vit C are found and further increase in the level of vit C further increases the amount of free radicals in phagocytes (Scarpa et al., 1983; Som et al., 1983). Viral infections have been shown to cause a depletion of leukocyte ascorbate, which resulted in varying degrees of non-specific immunosuppression and a reduction in serum vit C concentration (Thomas and Holt, 1978; Bendich et al., 1986). The role of vit C in controlling of stress has been documented many a times. There was a proof that by providing external vit C source at a rate of 330ppm the blood levels of vit C are elevated (Nestor et al., 1972). Another study showed that a 1000ppm adding of vit C reduces exogenous cortisol related immunosuppression. Some studies have also reported that vit C decreases heat shock protein 70 and plasma corticosterone response in chicken subjected to cyclic heat stress (Mahmoud et al., 2003, 2004). Vitamin C supplementation in feed or water can also reduce the sensation of fear in the birds (Jones, R. B., 1996). Pardue and Thaxton (1986) documented the effects of supplementation with vit C on a number of characteristics including growth, reproductive performance, immunosuppression and mortality. It was also documented by Satterlee et al., 1989; Kutlu and Forbes, 1993a; McKee and Harrison, 1995) Poultry under intensive production systems are particularly susceptible to vit deficiencies so to avoid this poultry feeds are supplemented normally with B2, niacin, pantothenic acid, B12 and choline out of water soluble vitamins (Scott et all. 1982). It is to be noted that Thiamin, vitamin B6, biotin and folacin are mostly present in adequate quantities in the major ingredients such as corn-soybean meal-based diets and poultry can normally produce a sufficient amount of ascorbic acid by its own (McDowell, L. R. 2004). Vitamin needs of new strains developed for improved production are higher. Leg problems seen in fast growing strains of broilers can be corrected in part by higher levels of biotin, folacin, niacin and choline (Roche 1979). Stress and disease conditions in animals may increase the basic requirement for certain vitamins. Nutrient levels that are adequate for growth, feed efficiency, gestation and lactation may not be adequate for normal immunity and for maximizing the a nimals resistance to disease (Cunha 1985; Nockels et al. 1996). Diseases and microorganisms affecting the gastro intestinal tract reduce the absorption as well as the production of vitamins also the conditions affecting the G.I.T. cause a reduction in vitamin production and absorption i.e. diarrhea and vomiting (McDowell, L.R., 2004). Mycotoxins and internal bleeding in poultry also causes a reduced efficiency of vitamins (McDowell, L.R., 2004). Vitamin antagonists (antimetabolites) interfere with the activity of various vitamins (Oldsfield, 1987). Under commercial production a higher level of the vitamins is helpful for optimum production and performance this also helps in achieving best growth rates, feed utilization and health and in part also helps to increase body reserves (Coelho, 1996). The ascorbic acid acts as an antioxidant for the avian spermatozoa (Surai et all, 2001). Ascorbic acid supplementation enhances the ejaculation qualities of male fowl (Surai et all, 2001). In the hot and dry season offering the cold water supplemented with ascorbic acid increases weight gain and spleen but it will also cause a reduced size of wings (Abioja, et all, 2011). Classes of B-Complex Based on the functions the B-complex can be categorized into 3 classes, however some of the members fall into more than one class; Energy releasing Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (B3), Pantothenic acid (B5), Piroxidine (B6), and Biotin. Hematopoietic Folic acid (B9), Cyanocobalamin (B12), Pantothenic acid (B5), and Piroxidine (B6). Other Thiamine (B1), Niacin (B3), Piroxidine (B6), Folic acid (B9), and Cyanocobalamin (B12). (Wilson, G. V.) Vitamin B-complex deficiencies Deficiency arises due to inadequate supplies of the vitamins and the signs develop over a time period. So if the vitamin levels provided are lower than the required levels then the classical deficiency signs will be seen in the birds. Generally the young and growing chicks are more prone to vitamin deficiencies and the developing embryo is the best model showing deficiencies of vitamins. Problems due to the B-complex deficiency arise quite abruptly and often seen in 5-7 days because there is a little storage of these in the body (Leeson, S. and J. D. Summers, 2001). In the researches carried out on poultry of different age groups it was shown that a deficiency in the availability of Thiamine (B1) caused a loss of appetite and increased death ratios (Poultry Health Services, 2009). Leeson, S. and J. D. Summers, 2001 stated that polyneuritis in the birds shows the later stages of thiamine deficiency which may arise due to the build up of the intermediates of carbohydrate metabolism. In mature birds it is seen approximately 3 weeks after they are being fed a thiamine deficient feed. Poultry may also suffer from neuromuscular problems, resulting in impaired digestion, general weakness, star gazing and frequent convulsions (Leeson, S. and J. D. Summers, 2001). A deficiency in the availability of Riboflavin (B2) caused increased occurrence in the curly toe paralysis, poor growth and poor egg production (Poultry Health Services, 2009). Many tissues especially epithelium and myelin sheath are affected due to feeding of a feed which is d4eficient in riboflavin and on postmortem the characteristic sign of riboflavin deficiency is marked enlargement of the sciatic and brachial nerve sheath with the sciatic nerve showing the most pronounced effects (Leeson, S. and J. D. Summers, 2001). A feeding programme with a deficient amount of Pantothenic acid (B5) is evident as occurrence of dermatitis and lesions on mouth and feet (Poultry Health Services, 2009). According to Leeson, S. and J. D. Summers, 2001 the major lesions due to deficiency of pantothenic acid involve nervous system, the adrenal cortex and the skin. Niacin (B3) deficiency is shown by bowed legs and inflammation of tongue and mouth cavity (Poultry Health Services, 2009). Leeson, S. and J. D. Summers, 2001 report that niacin deficiency is characterized by severe metabolic disorders of skin and digestive organs, signs being the loss of appetite, retarded growth, general weakness and diarrhea in the birds. A feeding programme having deficiency of pyridoxine (B6) is characterized by retarded growth, dermatitis, convulsions, anemia and there may also be reduced nitrogen retention (Leeson, S. and J. D. Summers, 2001). Choline deficiency is evident from poor growth, fatty liver, decreased egg production (Poultry Health Services, 2009). Leeson, S. and J. D. Summers, 2001 report the deficiency of choline in growing chicks is evident from poor growth and perosis. Cobalamin (B12) deficiency is shown by cases of anaemia, poor growth, embryonic mortality (Poultry Health Services, 2009). According to Leeson, S. and J. D. Summers, 2001 a deficiency of B12 in growing chicks showed decreased weight gain, decreased feed intake, poor feathering and poor nervous system. Folic acid (B9) deficiency is evident from poor growth, anaemia, poor feathering and poor egg production (Poultry Health Services, 2009). A deficiency of folic acid in the experimental birds caused macrocytic (megaloblastic) anemia and leukopenia i.e. reduced white blood cells (Leeson, S. and J. D. Summers, 2001). Biotin (B8) deficiency increases the dermatitis on feet and skin around eyes and beak (Unknown, 2004; Poultry Health Services, 2009; Roche 1979; Leeson, S. and J. D. Summers, 2001). The diseases and problem seen due to deficiencies of the water soluble vitamins in poultry can be summarized in the following table Deficient vitamin: Thiamine (B1) Evident deficiency signs: loss of appetite increased death ratios polyneuritis impaired digestion general weakness star gazing frequent convulsions Deficient vitamin:  Riboflavin (B2) Evident deficiency signs: curly toe paralysis poor growth poor egg production affected epithelium and myelin sheath Deficient vitamin:  Pantothenic acid (B5) Evident deficiency signs: dermatitis lesions on mouth and feet Deficient vitamin:  Niacin (B3) Evident deficiency signs: bowed legs inflammation of tongue and mouth cavity Loss of appetite retarded growth general weakness diarrhea Deficient vitamin:  pyridoxine (B6) Evident deficiency signs: retarded growth dermatitis convulsions anemia Choline poor growth fatty liver decreased egg production perosis Deficient vitamin:  Cobalamin (B12) Evident deficiency signs: anaemia poor growth embryonic mortality Decreased weight gain decreased feed intake poor feathering Poor nervous system. Deficient vitamin:  Folic acid (B9) Evident deficiency signs: poor growth anaemia poor feathering poor egg production leukopenia Deficient vitamin:  Biotin (B8) Evident deficiency signs: dermatitis on feet and skin around eyes and beak (Poultry Health Services, 2009; Roche 1979; Leeson, S. and J. D. Summers, 2001) Role of water soluble vitamins as Co-enzymes Riboflavin or vitamin B2 is a prosthetic part of over a dozen enzymes in the animal body including cytochromes reductase, lipoamide dehydrogenase, xanthine oxidase, L- and d-amino acid oxidase, histaminase and others all of which are vital for oxidation-reduction reactions involved in cell respiration (Leeson, S. and J. D. Summers, 2001). Niacin or nicotinic acid is important in more than 100 different enzymatic reactions (Rasmusson R.) It is the vitamin component in two important enzymes i.e. nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP) reported by Leeson, S. and J. D. Summers, 2001. Pantothenic acid (B5) is the prosthetic group of coenzyme A, an important coenzyme involved in many reversible acetylation reactions in carbohydrate, fat and amino acid metabolism (Leeson, S. and J. D. Summers, 2001). Biotin (B8) is an essential co-enzyme in carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism (Leeson, S. and J. D. Summers, 2001). Vitamin B12 is an essential part of several enzyme systems, with most reactions involving the synthesis of one carbon units i.e. methyl groups (Leeson, S. and J. D. Summers, 2001). Role of Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in birds under stressful conditions The efficacy of supplementing birds with vitamin C under stressful conditions depends upon its ability to elevate plasma vitamin C (Pardue et al., 1984). Nestor et al., (1972) reported that 330ppm vitamin C elevated blood vitamin C. Pardue et al., (1984) reported that vitamin C supplementation at a rate of 250ppm increased plasma vitamin C concentrations in broilers. But Sell et all in 1997 found that 300 mg/kg vitamin C was unable to increase plasma vitamin C levels. Kolb (1984) strongly suggested that supplemental vitamin C should be provided in poultry and livestock diets as a stress alleviator. Hill and Garren (1958) agreed and stated that vitamin C was an essential nutrient in chickens experiencing stress. Vitamin C supplementation at 300 mg/kg was able to decrease plasma corticosterone in stressed birds. These responses are supported by research suggesting that vitamin C suppresses adrenocortical steroidogenesis and depresses plasma corticosterone levels, therefore limiting som e of the deleterious responses associated with stress and delays the depletion of steroid hormone precursors (Pardue et al., 1985; Gross, 1992; Kutlu and Forbes, 1993). The action of vitamin C on adrenal steroidogenesis is associated with its ability to inhibit adrenal steroid hydroxylating enzymes (Kitabchi, 1967). Supplementation with 300 mg/kg of ascorbic acid resulted in a significant increase in plasma vitamin C throughout the experiment when compared to the Un-Supplemented birds (Meade, S.M., 2004). There is limited research examining the effects of vitamin C on lymphocyte subset populations in chickens. However, those experiments that have been demonstrated the effects of vitamin C on lymphocyte populations in association with disease or vaccination (Wu et al., 2000). The effect of dietary vitamin C supplementation is still controversial however vitamin C supplementation at 300 mg/kg alleviated stress-induced affects (Meade, S.M., 2004). These physiological and immunological findings suggest that vitamin C may be an anti-stress agent and may be an essential nutrient in poultry when poults are subjected to stressful conditions (Meade, S.M., 2004). Ascorbic acid as an anti oxidant for avian spermatozoa Ascorbic acid or vitamin c is water soluble anti oxidant present at high molar concentrations in spermatozoa and seminal plasma in a large number of animals. In poultry its concentration in semen averages 210 +-16.4microM (Surai et all 1986b). On a molar basis this concentration was more than 2.5 times higher than glutathione and more than 100 fold higher than alpha-tocopherol. Ascorbic acid was found almost equally distributed between spermatozoa and seminal plasma (Surai et all 1986b). This data was very useful in the development of an idea that vit. C plays an important role as a water soluble anti oxidant in the avian seminal plasma (Surai et all, 2001). Ascorbic acid effect on ejaculation quality of male Fowl Monsi and Onitchi in 1991 reported that fowl males housed under hot and humid conditions and supplemented with ascorbic acid showed a better overall ejaculation quality i.e. semen volume, motile sperm proportion and sperm number per ejaculate. The reported ascorbic acid supplementation level was 500mg/kg. However sperm motility was not affected. Dietary supplementations of ascorbic acid had the effects on semen of rainbow trout reflected by increased sperm motility and decreased decline in fertilizing capacity of spermatozoa after storage (Ciereszko and Dabrowski, 2000). A protective role of ascorbic acid in maintaining the sperm quality was also reported by Ciereszko and Dabrowski in 1996. However the low dietary levels of vitamin E and C (ascorbic acid) had no effects on the spermatozoa in mice rather the increased and higher supplementary levels decreased the number of spermatozoa/mg epididymis and increased the percentage of spermatozoa with misshapen heads (Ten et all, 1997). Role of ascorbic acid in weight gain A study was carried out in SW Nigeria on a group of broiler chicken. The birds were divided into four groups after the age of three weeks. A group was given cold water without any ascorbic acid and other group was given cold water with supplementation of ascorbic acid. Similarly two groups were made for normal unchilled water with and without ascorbic acid provision. The results of study showed a marked superior growth of breast meat and spleen in the group provided with cold water and ascorbic acid. However there was no affect of ascorbic acid supplementation on the growth parameters of the birds in any of the four groups. In addition there was a decreased wing length seen in these birds. The reason for this phenomenon to happen is that in hot climatic conditions a lot of the energy is wasted in panting and when cold water is provided the birds feel comfort and there is less panting seen. Also in stress corticosteroids are released which further decrease the weight gain. By providin g cold water these both conditions are avoided so better results are obtained. The cold water resulted in an overall more weight gain weekly and finally more live weight however decreased wing length, the vitamin c had no effect on the growth however it increased the breast meat and the spleen in birds, (Abioja, et all, 2011). Role of water soluble vitamins in Energy metabolism The transformation of dietary energy sources, such as carbohydrates, fats and proteins into cellular energy in the form of ATP requires several micronutrients as coenzymes and cofactors of enzymatic reactions, as structural components of enzymes and mitochondrial cytochromes, and as active electron and proton carriers in the ATP-generating respiratory chain(Groff et all, 1996, Depeint et all, 2006): (i) thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP; vitamin B1), CoA (containing pantothenic acid), flavin mononucleotide (FMN; derived from vitamin B2), flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD; derived from vitamin B2) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD; derived from nicotinamide) are involved in the Krebs cycle and complexes I and II of the respiratory chain; (ii) biotin, CoA and FAD are involved in haem biosynthesis, which is an essential part of the cytochromes and important for the latter part of the mitochondrial respiratory chain; (iii) succinyl-CoA can feed into either the respiratory chain or the Krebs cycle depending on the needs of the cell. Depeint et all, in 2006 confirmed the essential role of vitamins B6, B12 and folate in maintaining the mitochondrial one-carbon transfer cycles by regulating mitochondrial enzymes. The same authors also emphasized the essential role of the B vitamin family in maintaining mitochondrial energy metabolism and how mitochondria in their role as the cellular organelles responsible for energy metabolism are compromised by a deficiency of any B vitamin (Depeint et all, 2006). Table given here summarizes the present state of knowledge with regard to the role or roles of individual water soluble vitamins in energy metabolism (adopted from Institute of medicine, 1998). Vitamins Function in energy metabolism Thiamine (B1) Essential cofactor in the conversion of carbohydrates to energy. Needed for normal muscle function, including the heart muscle. Involved in oxidative carboxylation reactions, which also require manganese ions. Riboflavin (B2) As a cofactor in the mitochondrial respiratory chain, helps in the release of energy from foods. Component of the main coenzymes FAD and FMN. Nicotinic acid, niacin (B3) As a cofactor in the mitochondrial respiratory chain, helps in the release of energy from foods. Transformed into NAD and NADP, which play a key role in oxidation -reduction reactions in all cells. Pyridoxine (B6) Helps in the release of energy from foods. Used as a cofactor by nearly 100 enzymatic reactions, mainly in protein and amino acid metabolism. Vitamin B12 Essential for metabolism of fats and carbohydrates and the synthesis of proteins. Interacts with folic acid metabolism. Biotin As a cofactor, involved in metabolism of fatty acids, amino acids and utilization of B vitamins. Pantothenic acid Plays an essential role in the Krebs cycle. Component of coenzyme A. Vitamin C Essential for synthesis of carnitine (transports long-chain fatty acids into  (Ascorbic acid) mitochondria) and the catecholamines, adrenaline and noradrenaline. Ascorbic acid facilitates transport and uptake of non-haem iron at the mucosa, the reduction of folic acid intermediates, and the synthesis of cortisol. Potent antioxidant. Folic acid Folates function as a family of cofactors that carry one-carbon (C1) units required for the synthesis of thymidylate, purines and methionine, and required for other methylation reactions. Folate is essential for metabolic pathways involving cell growth, replication and survival of cells in culture. Around 30 50% of cellular folates are located in the mitochondria. Toxicity arising due to water soluble vitamins Toxicities arise due to over supplementation levels or more inclusion rates of the nutrients. Generally the toxicity of the water soluble vitamins is not seen in the birds because of the reason that these vitamins have a very minimal storage in the body. If the inclusion rate of vitamin B-complex is at least 100x than the required level, it tends to cause toxicity in the poultry. Vitamin C, E and Biotin are moderately toxic, potentially causing problems at 20-30x the normal inclusion levels. Toxicity of vitamins administered in the drinking water is quite rare because the birds are reluctant to drink such fortified water (Leeson, S. and J. D. Summers, 2001). Conclusion From above discussion it can be concluded that the water soluble vitamins play many important roles in the poultry life including proper growth, production, weight gain, egg production, immunity, proper conformity, proper functioning, avoiding of stress due to many origins, proper feathering, proper skin condition and proper embryo development. The water soluble vitamins are required in the metabolism, in the oxidation and reduction reactions as coenzymes which mean these are vital for the survival of the animals. These also enhance the quality of the ejaculation in male fowl as well a act as antioxidants for the avian spermatozoa ensuring the fertility and avoiding deformities in the semen of poultry. The water soluble vitamin family member, ascorbic acid is also involved in extra gain of the breast meat which is most liked part of chicken meat in general.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Essay --

In Antigone, death is a central theme that is consistently present throughout the entire play. In this particular passage, the chorus proclaims that man’s access to resources will allow him to continue to exist; however, as long as man exists, so will death – a fate that no amount of resources can help anyone escape. In this essay, I will explore the correlation and significance of this passage, and more specifically, the correlation and relation to death, with particular characters of the play. These particular characters each have a different relation and perspective of death, however, as the story progresses, I will discuss why their relation, perspective and the way that which they acknowledge death itself evolves and changes so drastically. In the first part of the passage, ‘speech and thought’ and ‘mind for law’ refer to the attributes of man; what it means to be human. The passage is directly praising man for all the wonders of the human race; man who has taught himself, built a shelter, a city and created a law, man’s capability and skills to become accustomed to the land, to the very earth and nature itself, the world that they have been put in, man’s capacity to learn to adjust and survive and live in the way that we see fit. Antigone making the choice to go against the king, because of what she believes to be right, attempting to give her brother Polynices what she believes he deserves – this thought, ‘quick as the wind’, including every action she carried out after, was effortless and came naturally to her. The set of principals and values that each individual has and what they choose to believe in become like instinct; to fight for what you believe in b ecomes as natural as to look for ‘shelter from the arrows of the f... ...tten that he is not divine like the gods are. He is a man with plenty resources, and although by the end of the play, Creon is still living - he hasn’t escaped death. In the passage, note that while the chorus is listing the wonders of man, the accomplishments of human beings; each accomplishment is paired with an element of nature, wind, frost, sky and rain – and each accomplishment is referring to man applying control over nature, mirroring the confliction in the entire story. Creon represents the city, a man made empire, while Antigone stands for the gods, nature and herself. When Creon loses all the people that he cares for, nature seems to be punishing Creon for his disrespect. It appears that each step onward as we progress, we further distance ourselves from where we started, making each of our achievements and the wonders of man just as bad as they are good.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Self Presentation

Self presentation When you meet someone for the first time, it comes to your mind a certain impression about him or her. On the other side, that person also takes a certain impression about you. This impression might be positive or negative. It depends on how you present yourself to others. Unfortunately, the first impression is sometimes unfair because the person you meet for the first time may take a wrong impression about you. For example, my friend told me that before we became close friends, she was thinking that I am arrogant, but when she became close to me, she discovered that she took a wrong impression about me.In fact, I am not sociable and I don't take the initiative in getting to know others. That is why those who do not know me well think i am arrogant, but that is not true about me. The first impression whether it is true or not may affect the way you treat people and how they treat you forever. For example, I fall in love with someone. When we first meet each other, h e told me that he belongs to the royal family. Later, I discovered that he was lying to me. I know that he is from the upper class and he belongs to a prominent family, so there was no need to lie about his family name.Actually, because of this lie, I took an impression about him that he is not trustworthy, so we broke up. In most cases, the first impression lasts forever, so you should present yourself in a good image. To make others take a good impression about you, you must consider the following; First, be yourself. Don't tell anything that is not true about you. Show your real personality. Second, take care of your appearance. Your dress should be clean and appropriate to the customs of society in which you live. Moreover, be careful in your appointments.If you attend the meeting on time, you will get others’ respect because it shows that you care about them. In addition, smile to your audience, keep eye contact when you speak and listen and Speak clearly to let your aud ience understand what you say. Furthermore, choose your words which express what you want to say correctly. In short, we all should present ourselves in the right way to let others take a good impression about us in order to make relationships last longer. Samira Said Al Hajri. Assignment 1. Social psychology_D1.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Meaningful Social Studies Essay - 1514 Words

Meaningful Social Studies Introduction Today many classroom teachers are faced with the challenge of delivering meaningful and powerful social studies lessons to their students. This paper will explain how the learning cycle can help students gain a better understanding when learning new concepts. This paper will also give an example of a Native American Indians unit can be taught in a 4th grade classroom, covering the following contents: Location; Movement/Migration; and Individuals Groups, Institutions. In addition this paper will address the 4th grade performance objective(s) and Georgia social studies standards used in this unit. Additionally, this paper will explain and justify the use of various instructional strategies that†¦show more content†¦Some ways that teachers can implement the exploratory introduction phase in a lesson or unit is by, (a) asking students questions to prompt their recall of relevant prior knowledge learned; (b) using the K-W-L technique (what the students know, want to know, and wha t the students have learned); (c) or having the students make comparisons connecting the new concept to concepts the students already know (comparisons charts). The second phase of the learning cycle is the lesson development phase. In this phase students are exposed to new ideas or skills that can lead students learning to practice new skills and in using new content. The instructional strategies used in this phase may range from expository through the inquiry-based problem solving and decision making. Meyerson Secules, 2001 explains that, â€Å"inquiry learning approaches, students are put into situations that require critical thinking and encourage the internalizing of major concepts. Inquiry activities can also allow students the opportunity to confront, express, and analyze preconceptions and misconceptions in an active, nonthreatening way†. Teachers can provide students with instructional activities such as: having guest speakers; providing games; having real life demonstrations; role-playing; and simulations. The final phase of the learning cycle is theShow MoreRelatedThe Easy and Meaningful Integration of Social Studies and Language Arts1815 Words   |  8 PagesIt is not enough for our students to be citizens of the United States of America; they are faced with the challenge that no other generation has: they are citizens of the world. Social studies, as a focus in classrooms today must be more than a history class. 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